Compare Forum on Post-2015 Education and Development now available online

CCOMcover 1..2From time to time, contributions to the Compare Forum will be made available on a new page of the BAICE website. The new page ‘Compare Forum Contributions’ can be found by navigating to the the Compare menu drop down list.

The contributions on this page are Author Original Manuscripts, that is, originally submitted material prior to peer review, and will be accompanied by links to the final printed material where available.  The purpose of making these pieces available online is to encourage readers to begin an online discussion and debate about contemporary issues in the field of International and Comparative Education.  In order to facilitate this discussion, each online contribution has a comments area at the bottom of the post where you are encouraged to leave your thoughts and opinions.

In April 2013, a call was announced for a special issue of the Compare Forum on Post-2015 Education and Development.  This Compare Forum was published in December 2013, issue 43:6. The purpose of this special issue of the Forum is to contribute to the Post-2015 debate in relation to ideas about how progress towards greater education quality and equity can be achieved, including how and what goals and targets need to be defined and owned and governments made accountable for them.

The response was strong, with more submissions received than was possible to print in Compare.   Contributions to this call, including those not printed in the journal, are now available on the BAICE website for your review and comment.

Read the online Compare Forum here.