Tag BAICE 2022

Global-Local (Dis)Connections in Education Partnerships

Women meeting each other at a conference
"Public-private partnerships", "low fee private schools", "North-South" and "South-South" collaborations, "family and community engagement", "best practices", and "policy transfer" have now become buzzwords in education and development. As a community, we hope that these approaches will help us establish equitable and inclusive education systems for all students (thus meeting the goals and targets of Sustainable Development Goal 4 and the Education for All agenda). For some, the hope is that they will help increase “national competitiveness” and “human capital”, two other buzz words in use.

Technology and Education Partnerships: For Whose Benefit and to What End?

young student with a mobile device
Education institutions around the world continue to undertake changes following the impact and lessons from the COVID-19 global pandemic. Meanwhile, the global nature of the changes calls for strengthened partnership, cooperation and collaboration among different stakeholders. In this blog, I focus on the global increase in the use of digital technology as an example of educational changes in question.