Maha Shuayb

Maha Shuayb

Maha Shuayb is a British Academy Bilateral Chair in Conflict and Director of Centre for Lebanese Studies. She is sociologist of education interested in investigating education inequalities and the politics of education reform. For the past 12 years she ha been studying the evolving discourse around education of refugee children such as emergency as well as the education of refugees in longer-term settlements. She has conducted various and quantitative and qualitative longitudinal research. As a director of a research institute in the global south, she has become increasingly interested in understanding equitable research partnerships, knowledge production and research ethics between academic institutions and scholars in the global north and south.

A Theatre of the Privileged Decolonial Café

performance with audience sitting around the stage
In this interactive Café, we use theatre, stories, and games to examine the mechanisms of colonial reproduction in the international and comparative education sector and identify ways to collectively transform them.