A Conversation on Decolonisation and Education

BAICE organised a webinar discussion on April 25, 2023, on the topic of decolonisation and education. Our esteemed panel consisted of Professor Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela (Universidad de Tarapaca, Chile), Professor Syed Farid Alatas (National University of Singapore), and Dr Riyad Shahjahan (Michigan State University, US). Dr Jack Lee (University of Edinburgh, UK) moderated the conversation among the speakers followed by a Q&A with online participants. Approximately 50 people from across the world joined this 1.5 hour to discuss the purposes of decolonisation, conceptual distinctions between commonly used terms (e.g. decolonisation, decolonial, post-colonial), delinking from the West/Europe, and the role of language. An additional 20 people stayed online after the event ended to continue further discussions with Professor Alatas and Dr Shahjahan until the 2 hour mark.

BAICE is a charity, registered in the UK. The BAICE Media Hub supports BAICE's charitable objective of stimulating and disseminating knowledge and research in the field of international and comparative education. Views expressed in outputs hosted on the BAICE Media Hub are those of the contributors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the BAICE Executive Committee or the wider BAICE membership.