Partnerships in conflict contexts

The field of education and conflict straddles two main themes: The provision of education in conflict or crisis situations and the role of education in fuelling conflict or building sustainable peace. Partnerships are often central to both. In this sub-theme we welcome papers that examine the complexities of both concerns, including papers that examine the complexities of initiating and implementing education in situations affected by violent conflict, displacement, and other types of emergencies and crises. Who steps in when an emergency occurs and why is action uneven across emergency contexts? Can partnerships help ensure rapid and high-quality responses in such situations? The sub-theme also invites papers that critically evaluate what constitutes an emergency, a conflict or a protracted crisis, and that examine issues for example of power, marginalization, and voice, or explore how initial partnership efforts can be made sustainable in the long term. Contributions are expected to engage with politics of education in conflict-affected and humanitarian settings that go beyond the narratives of access or enrolments to critique issues relating to how partnerships influence national identity, language of instruction, teaching of history as well as the intersections between inequalities, education and peace. In addition papers exploring theoretical frames for engaging in the topic that may extend understandings of peacebuilding and innovative research methods that specifically address violence, e.g. conflict sensitive research methods that are also co-constructed that place recognition, decolonising Education in Emergencies research and practice and representation at the centre.